Tuesday, November 1, 2011


'The only communication device God didn't invent was gossip, and that's the most advanced technology to date.  It's what they call the music of the spheres -- listen -- .' 
- Sara Ruhl, Dead Man's Cell Phone (If you haven't read this, please do.) 

The generation of technology has rolling admissions.  Kids just keep on getting phones, younger and younger.  As a member of this generation, I will admit, I love all my little devices.  I need a cell phone. I'm obsessed with my computer.  I'll even start a fit if the internet goes out.  But is this constant tangibility to passed events, the weekends documented through pictures, for example, detrimental to our health.

FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out.  Most often seen in ages 17-22.  (Yes! 23 has now become a less useless age.  You are less prone to becoming a fomo.) A need to socialize; an addiction to participating in constant social interactions.

Allow me to break this down for you.  It's sunday morning, you and ya pals are headed to micky d's to get some ever enjoyable breakfast.  'Did you see the hideous dress that girl was wearing?' 'Remember that weird old guy on the dance floor?' You don't wanna be the only one to have missed his rendition of thriller. Then they post the pictures.  (let's all take a moment and accept we're most intrigued by pictures of times we can relate to, times we can remember, and most preferably, times when we're in the picture.)  'What a cute roomie shot!' (roomie is an uncool word) But imagine, missing the group photo. Soon you will be falling off the social radar all together… No new notifications.

These fears stumble out of control, and hopefully, eventually, you find yourself (by the age of 23), in the middle of an overly amplified bar, wondering, 'why the fuck am I here.'

But if that can't happen, as a recovering fomo, I have to say this broken foot is the finest of nicotine patches.